The essential characteristics of the technologies are specified, such as their investment cost, operating and maintenance costs, service life, fuel use, efficiency, availability, output, and maximum expected market penetration. 模型能反映一些约束条件,如投资成本、运行维护成本、有效寿命、燃料使用效率、新能源利用的可能性和预期最大市场容量等。
Joint procurement coordination mechanism under the optimal quantity discounts provided by the supplier as well as the specified economic order quantity ( EOQ) replenishment policy employed by heterogeneous buyers with various costs and demand parameters are investigated. 针对成本参数和需求参数均不相同的异质买主的一般EOQ订货模型,讨论了供应商最佳数量折扣方案设计下买主间合作采购协调问题。